Monday, July 9, 2012

Summer in Tampa

So far the summer has started and been pretty uneventful.  I still haven't found a good flow yet, and I'm not sure if I will before the littlest Belina is born.  For now, we just take one day at a time and do what seems right at the moment.  I finished my knitting project for little R, but I haven't taken a photo of it yet though.  I have another project on the needles that I seriously need to work on more.  It's for teeny Belina, so I'd like to have that done before he/she is born.  Other than that, not much is going on.  Little R had a birthday in two days and I do believe she's excited.  Turning five is a pretty big deal.  I've been so absent from online blogging and facebooking lately, that I think I've forgotten how to share all those silly detail you people posting and sharing.  Oh well!  :)  Maybe I'll share more if something exciting happens.